Mechanisms of Uterine Quiescence and Parturition Timing in Humans
Although our most of our work relies upon mice, we also seek to determine the extent to which our findings in this species extend to humans. In particular, we are evaluating the extent to which epigenetic processes influence the function of human decidual stromal cells in both early and late pregnancy, and whether dysregulation of these processes contributes to human pregnancy complications, in particular preterm birth.
Stromal cells in the human decidua show dynamic regulation of α-SMA over the course of gestation. Sections of human specimens from 6 weeks (A) and term gestation (B) were stained with antibodies to smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) and vimentin (VIM). Note that at 6 weeks, VIM+ decidual stromal cells in the decidua (dec) do not express α-SMA whereas undecidualized stromal cells in the bits of undecidualized endometrium (endo) also embedded in the block are α-SMA+, as are vascular structures (vs) in the decidua. Undecidualized endometrium is identified by the high density of endometrial glands (ie, glandular epithelial cells). At term gestation, scattered α-SMA+ cells have become evident within the decidua, suggesting re-expression of this myofibroblast marker. From Nancy et al., J. Clin. Invest. (2018).